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Posts posted by Rob_Iverson

  1. I might be missing something, but if not, what do you think about writing up something like a "what's new in 4.0" at a user level?  We see the alpha/beta what's changed lists, but those are only release to release and include bugs and very detailed features. 


    For example, I know about the paint bucket anchor moving feature, but that's only because I saw a blog post you wrote a year or so ago; that's the level of feature I'd like to see listed... I'm not a super pro so I'm sure some features would be lost on me, but it'd still be worth it (and probably expose me to some cool features I never would have known about otherwise).


    If I'm just missing something you've already done, ... thanks!


    Also, am I remembering right that the right mouse button in the color palette used to set the secondary color? It makes sense to me because of tools like paint, where left mouse does primary color and right mouse does secondary color.  But it seems that to set the secondary color you have to either change the combo box or swap them and swap back later.  Seems sub-optimally usable, thus not paint.net-like...




  2. I couldn't get auto-update from alpha 5105 to work.


    It starts the update check, I get the dialog that says:


    A newer version of paint.net is available. You may click the Install button below to download and install the update.

    paint.net 4.0 (alpha 5143)    More Info


    But when I click the Install button (with the yellow/blue (UAC?) shield icon on it), the dialog gets "stuck" at 0% for maybe 30 seconds, then I get this message:


    There was an error while checking for updates.

    No response was received during the time-out period for a request.


    It's happened three times in a row.  I'm probably behind a proxy server if that helps (but it did find the update so...). Obviously I can just download it from this forum topic but I assume you'd prefer I didn't have to.


    Thanks for everything!

  3. I figure lots of folks have requested these before but I'd throw my 2 cents in (since Rick is keeping track of the most-requested features).

    When I'm editing photos with the gimp, I use selection feathering all the time, mostly to cut out backgrounds nicer and make vignette-type looks. I'd LOVE it if paint.net had this feature...

    Another thing that might be nice is layer masks - I find myself making lots of copies of layers so I don't lose information while I'm erasing pieces. Of course editing a layer mask is non-destructive and would also be GREAT!

    Hey - thanks a lot for paint.net - I use it constantly and, despite my requests/complaints, I prefer paint.net to anything else out there...


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