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Posts posted by qwertyuu

  1. I love you guys, thanks a lot!


    EDIT: yes, I too think these instructions should be stickied. Starting PDN development, I thought the VS integration had been done many years ago, and as I see now... it was left out a little in the late years. If I were to be better, I could try to maintain the VS aspect of Plugins in PDN, but, I ain't that good :)

  2. I know, CodeLab is very well done, and I like it.

    I still don't totally love it yet, as in some stuff is lacking.


    I want to debug my plugins, which is impossible to do inside CodeLab.


    So, I need help... for starting my own project inside VisualStudio, and using the same template as CodeLab

    #region UICode
    void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect)
        // Delete any of these lines you don't need
        Rectangle selection = EnvironmentParameters.GetSelection(src.Bounds).GetBoundsInt();
        int CenterX = ((selection.Right - selection.Left) / 2)+selection.Left;
        int CenterY = ((selection.Bottom - selection.Top) / 2)+selection.Top;
        ColorBgra PrimaryColor = (ColorBgra)EnvironmentParameters.PrimaryColor;
        ColorBgra SecondaryColor = (ColorBgra)EnvironmentParameters.SecondaryColor;
        int BrushWidth = (int)EnvironmentParameters.BrushWidth;
        ColorBgra CurrentPixel;
        for (int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++)
            for (int x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x++)
                CurrentPixel = src[x,y];
                dst[x,y] = CurrentPixel;

    So... What are the references that I need? (the important ones, because I know I can just select them all)

    What are the "using" statements I should put?

    Do I have to make a class, namespace and everything?


    Any template example would be really appreciated, thanks!

  3. according to this formula, just having that open in paint.net takes about 2.5 gigabytes of RAM. You'll want about twice that if you are trying to flatten or resize the image.

    Just curious, but what are your system specs? If mine are any better, I might try it on my new computer (thanks qwerty! ^^). Theoretically, I have enough RAM to handle it...

    It's a pleasure!

  4. What are you on about qwertyuu?

    Just that everyone asks for a Photoshop this, Photoshop that... (talking about features)

    And the more it goes on, the more Paint.NET is fading into a Free Photoshop clone.

    Just like Microsoft. They are changing EVERYTHING and now they act 90% like Apple, which make me fear a little since Windows was my OS of choice... And seeing what they're planning in the future is just terribad.

  5. Minners71 - 0

    Ventor1 - 3

    I love Ventor's idea of cutting the sid in two pieces and get 2 opposites side by side... but having the same aspects in both, like a yin yang!

    Minners71's sig is crazy, but lacked a little bit of originality compared to Ventor1!


    #winner Ventor1

  6. As nitenurse said...

    When saving your picture(s), are you saving as a .pdn filetype?

    post-52619-0-04994000-1345054719_thumb.j (click this to see full image)

    (this is the Save As window, first line being the filename and second being... type)

    You should be saving as a .pdn ONLY if you want to make modifications later on that picture, since .pdn is only readable by Paint.NET itself because it contains informations about layers and effects you previously used on your picture.

    If you want your picture to be uploadable on Facebook or on any other website, you need to save it as a Jpeg, a Png or a Gif, so you'll want to change the thing in the first picture to look something like this:

    post-52619-0-67288200-1345055086_thumb.j(click this to see full image)

    Jpegs tend to be the smaller files for the quality, so you might want to use this filetype if you aren't creating crystal-like pictures. Pngs is one of the best filetype to store color information when you ARE making crystal-like pictures, but the size is also way bigger than a Jpeg.

    • Upvote 1
  7. The layers are working this way: Top one has priority and bottom one has no priority.

    That means that the first layer (top one in the list) in the layer window will be the one over every other layers. The bottom one is the one that is under everything, so it cannot hide anything on any other layer.

    Say you have a pile of sheets... 3 sheets. Each sheet is a layer. If you take the top sheet with a smiley on it and put it under the 2 others, you won't see your smiley anymore. That's exactly how layer works. If you want to see "through" a layer, you need transparency.

    If you want to make a blend effect, just take the layer you moved down and move it over everything. Then select it and hit this icon there :LayerProperties: , at the bottom right of the layer window. From there you can modify (the little drop-down box) the "Blending mode", and it will create an effect depending on what is under it. This is a very basic effect with no settings, so you may want to learn a little more about other types of blending like picture-specific blending, that won't take the colors of the other layers to create the blending.

    Hope this helped!

  8. I'm a new user.... well just finally got around to registering..... but i had the same issue. tried to upload a valid jpg about 120x120 and only like 8k and only received the red/pink rectangle.... no error msg was presented. I was trying to upload an avatar pic for the forum via my avatar to the left of a post I had made.

    Just a heads-up! ;']


    I think sticking to gravatar works for the moment... and many forums seem to increment it, so that's a great deal even though it kills the quality of a picture.

  9. Ok ....took a screenshot as requested.

    Hopefully this is what you need....



    You appear to be in the Paint.NET folder... you need to navigate to the Effects folder INSIDE the Paint.NET folder.

    The one I circled with red


    so you have this after:


    (Stay in the C:/ Drive)

  10. Well...

    Looking at the page's code, the "swf upload" seems disabled for no reason (Rick maybe disabled it for maintenance... who knows?)

    Tried with imgur, tried uploading a whole new and totally different picture... I'm using "Gravatar" (the 2nd choice when prompted to upload an avatar), but their compression ratio is awful and it's a shame... but it's better than having a blank square, imo.

    Thanks guys for the quick help!

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