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Posts posted by AJ0424

  1. Ash,

    Nothing is wrong with your tut - it is what I am currently using. Where I am running into trouble when I move from using a 2D shape to a 3D shape. I can make my cylinder with Shape 3D but I get stuck when I try to make it metallic. I get some highlighting following your steps but nothing like the results at the bottom of the Chrome 101 tut.

    If it can be done with your tut, then I am making a noob mistake somewhere (not hard to believe at all) and the Chrome 101 tut - at least Wither's notes - aren't step by step enough for someone as new as me. I'll just keep playing away and see what I can come up with but I welcome any tips!

    Thanks again!


  2. Ash,

    Nothing is wrong with your tut - it is what I am currently using. Where I am running into trouble when I move from using a 2D shape to a 3D shape. I can make my cylinder with Shape 3D but I get stuck when I try to make it metallic. I get some highlighting following your steps but nothing like the results at the bottom of the Chrome 101 tut.

    If it can be done with your tut, then I am making a noob mistake somewhere (not hard to believe at all) and the Chrome 101 tut - at least Wither's notes - aren't step by step enough for someone as new as me. I'll just keep playing away and see what I can come up with but I welcome any tips!

    Thanks again!


  3. Hi,

    I am really quite new to pdn and am looking for a comprehensive tutorial on making cylinders metallic/chrome.

    I have found a few tutorials (listed) that have helped with how to make the cylinders and I know that I can used diffuse and specular to make the necessary highlights but I can't find a step by step on how to do this. I can make the cylinder but I am having trouble with the metallic finish. The result I am looking for is in Wither's reply (second forum link).

    I have already looked at:


    viewtopic.php?f=15&t=21419 (this includes the result I want)


    Can anyone point me to an existing tutorial or give me a few pointers on using specular?



  4. Hi,

    I am really quite new to pdn and am looking for a comprehensive tutorial on making cylinders metallic/chrome.

    I have found a few tutorials (listed) that have helped with how to make the cylinders and I know that I can used diffuse and specular to make the necessary highlights but I can't find a step by step on how to do this. I can make the cylinder but I am having trouble with the metallic finish. The result I am looking for is in Wither's reply (second forum link).

    I have already looked at:


    viewtopic.php?f=15&t=21419 (this includes the result I want)


    Can anyone point me to an existing tutorial or give me a few pointers on using specular?



  5. Hello,

    I am new and I am trying to follow BuzzKill's glass text tutorial: http://paintdotnet.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=3113&st=0&sk=t&sd=a. In it, I need to use a transparent gradient. I can't seem to find the tool so I thought it was a plug in. I installed a gradient plugin but it is clearly not the correct one. Rick Brewster has a reference link to the gradient tool but it no longer works. http://www.getpaint.net/doc/3.0/en/GradientTool.html

    What is throwing me is the following instruction - I either cannot find these options anywhere or I simply don't know what I am looking at.:

    Draw a transparent gradient on the duplicated layer. If you draw your transparent gradient with the Linear option enabled, it will give you a bevelled edge look. If you draw your transparent gradient with the Linear Reflected option enabled, it will give you a shiney look.

    Can any one tell me what I am missing?



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