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Posts posted by kd7mvs

  1. new image add a layer then go back down and delete the background white layer. you will be working with a transparent canvas at that point.

    also don't forget to save as > .png

    Just so I understand you correctly!

    I have my image open (text.jpg).

    Your saying: Add a layer

    Then go back down to my original image (text.jpg) and erase all the white section using the eraser.

    Then save the image as text.png

    Thank You


    My interpretation, subject to verification by trying it, of course, is that you open a new file, not the one you were working on, immediately add a layer, go back to the first layer [which defaults to the name 'background' I notice!], remove the first layer, just make it go away, thus leaving you with a second layer just hanging out by itself, floating over the vast emptiness which is the nuked background layer. Do your stuff on that second layer and everything should be snazzy. So long as you save it as .png.

    I'm going to try this, if it works my struggle to produce a watermark image to use with FastStone Photo Resizer will be over, and I shall be able to lay claim to the results of my work without nasty icky boxes blocking out the image. [insert maniacal evil laughter here]

    Thanks all, nifty searching the forum and finding the answer in nothing flat!



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