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Posts posted by n1976b

  1. The original photo is an ideal candidate for cropping by 'rule of thirds' as the composition places the main object in the centre of the field.

    There are a couple of ways this could be cropped; the way you have done, placing the bird on the right of the frame.

    Alternatively, I kinda like what's going on in the other half of the picture, with the flamingo in the background; this also gives the image some more depth, so you could crop it with the main object on the left...


    Either way probably enhances the composition of the image, it's really a personal choice.


    Thanks for the feedback! Actually the original shot is flipped and I tried to line him up on the right side; but he must not be 'perfectly centered' because I ran out of the edge of photo (does that make sense?) it would have left a small white stripe down the left side...

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