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  1. @lynxster4 Yes, I got that, but I wanted it to be thicker than the maximum the slider allowed, so I just applied the plugin twice. Thanks again !
  2. @lynxster4 Thanks a lot ! I managed to make it work ! The only thing I had to do different was to apply the "AA's Assistant" two or three times after the layers merge down, otherwise the "Outline Object" would just fill the whole image. I assume the AA's Assistant was the plugin found in the "dpyplugins8.1" and the Outline Object the one in the "BoltBaitPack47", I used both with the default settings. I also struggled with the Outline Object because I couldn't understand how to make the outline thicker.. then I figured you could just apply it a second time to make it bigger ? Thanks again !
  3. Hi, I'm pretty much a complete beginner. I have a paper model template which I'd like to color. This is a sample of it : And this is the result I'd like to achieve : Basically my goal is to fill the whole sections with a somewhat transparent (??) color (just in light gray basically), in order to preserve the lines and information written inside the shapes. Also it would be great if it was possible to fill the shapes with some sort of an edge on the outside, as in the sample result picture I attached. Is this doable ? How should I proceed ? Thanks !
  4. ok, i now managed to move the selection. Other problem, i'd like to copy a piece of the picture and then paste it in another position on the same picture. How to do that? When i select an area and use "edit/copy" and then "edit/paste" nothing happens. Thanks for help EDIT : i solved my myself
  5. Well, this is a basic operation, but when i select an area and i try to move it with the "move selection" tool, the selected area is resized as if i were dragging the nubs. How can i move a selected area? According to the tool-tip i should be able to move it by simply dragging it help me please, Thanks
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