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Posts posted by Tastless

  1. Ummmmm. I usually am not the type to use a fourm so I'm proubably going at this all wrong but I have a question. MAbey I should explainhow I got here.

    I am an anime/manga fan. my friend notices that I use this photo editing/creating program(Paint.NET) and she suggested that I try and join a editing group. Well I have everything but there is a pattern I need to use. They use photoshop (which I don't like because it is dull seeming) and they have a file that you have to download. The file is a .PAT. I don't know what I am suppose to do because I have come to a wall I can not cross.

    Main points(for those who do not feel like reading my paragraph above):

    Problem-1)Need to download file for use as a pattern 2)How to use it


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