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Posts posted by sarge657

  1. Of course you have to do this by yourself. Everything that you follow from any tutorial would have to be made by themself. Otherwise it'd be ripping. Making LP art and making Tags are 2 different things. Tags consist of many design elements and is much harder than LP art. The tutorials that are stickied mainly explain how to create fun things and how to use paint.net's functions. If you think this tutorial is "vague", I believe you wouldn't have used it for your signature where you used the text.

    Vague as in there are a lot of different ways you can take. other tutorials you follow simple straightforward steps, that you can tweak, but sometimes won't come out as good.

  2. I think this should definately be stickied (unless it is already :?:)

    This guide gave me great tips!

    Unfortunately, it is not.

    No offense to TOPHATSLASH, but this tutorial is a littttttle bit vague. many of the things you have to do by yourself. most of the things that are stickied are straightforward and beginner friendly (the word is linear, i believe). so people don't like this, others do.

  3. Hello. Well as you can see by my low amount of posts, i am pretty new to the forum and paint.net and sorry if this is a really simple question :oops: .

    What do you suggest i do to fade images? in a different photo editor (fireworks to be exact) had a fade image option. this would (obviously) fade the outside of an image.

    In Paint.Net, what do you suggest i do to get the same effect?

    again, sorry if this is an obvious question/answer.

    Also, a circular fade would be the best..

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