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Posts posted by skrybe

  1. Forgive me if this has been mentioned, I tried a search and couldn't find it...

    I'd love to see a Plugin Gallery integrated into PDN similar to Firefox's "Get Addons". I understand that it'd be more overhead, but it'd be a godsend if you could pull a list of current plugins directly into the app and then choose to install some or all of them.

    While the lists in the forums are good, it's often difficult tracking down a particular plugin and making sure it's the right version. And it'd certainly make life easier for non-technical people (all the Moms & Pops out there who have it installed).

  2. I apologise in advance if this feature is available, but I haven't been able to find it in Paint.net (or by searching the forums).

    I was wondering if it'd be possible to add a couple extra commands to the layer window. Fairly simple - "Turn off all layers" and "Turn on all layers". I occasionally work with images where I have dozens of layers each one holding a single small design element and in order to view just that element I need to turn off all the other layers and then afterwards turn them all back on again. It means dozens of mouse clicks each time.

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