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Posts posted by www.hdgreetings.com

  1. You have got to be kidding me... get a grip

    I don't see how this statement makes a case to have it, or were you just belittling my suggestion?

    Microsoft uses System Restore daily

    Really? How many Microsoft apps save a system restore point when installing? Is it even half? 25%? Seems like it should be high if it's so important.

    I'm happy with how PDN have enhance my experience in graphic design, thank you very much

    Is this a relevant statement? I started out by saying I think it's a nearly perfect app. No one is criticizing the graphic design capabilities here.


  2. >>There's still a chance it could cause problems.

    Simon, isn't the fact that the vast majority of applications do not require this evidence that the probability is low this will help you? Why not add a complete disk backup requirement to the Paint.net install? That could also help in theory right? What's your probability threshold of there being a problem for you to think it's a good idea? 1.0%? 0.0000001%? I be willing to bet it helps much less than 1% of the time.

    >>It's not as though you have to do it every day.

    I've done it dozens of times across different versions and different systems I own - is that enough to not want to do it?

    >>Then delete it. http://bit.ly/4DYYgK

    Most people have no idea how to remove these, so I'm not sure the answer is anyone who doesn't want to use up the disk space should google around and learn about things they might not have to otherwise.



  3. Paint.net would be nearly perfect (great job btw) without an installer that forces a system restore point on us.

    It seems like 90% of other software doesn't even save a restore point, what would it hurt to let us opt out of it?

    I'm against it because:

    1) Biggest reason - it's really slow

    2) It takes away our hard drive space!

    3) It's seems unnecessary for an app like this.

    But even if you disagree, senators I implore you, please make it an option.



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