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Posts posted by --e

  1. Well, can't you fix it on your end, then?

    I use a logitech mouse and setpoint doesn't let me do that.

    So, no. I can't. At least it's not something easily available. As far as I know there is no innate L-R scroll in WinXP as there is up and down, which is obviously built in. I want to change the left and right keyboard buttons to scroll the window (as many applications do) instead of moving the cursor. I guess I'm asking if that's something customizable in the program, or if anyone has any other ideas.



  2. First and foremost - absolutely brilliant program, kudos to the developers and the community for making Paint.NET so accessible and robust to even a newbietard like me.

    Question - I'm using a mouse with a scroll wheel that scrolls sideways. Essentially it just emulates the left and right arrows to do so. In this program left and right moves the cursor instead of the scroll bar. Is there any way to change that so I can use the mouse to scroll sideways?



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