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Posts posted by TERRAN

  1. I thing Colors Window is too big specially that circle with colors, constantly I have to move it over all the screen to work on my image, It would be great make it smaller like History o Layer Windows.

    Another great thing would be a Liquefy tool, some forumers recommend GIMP but I don’t like it, his user interface is unfriendly.

    The SVG format is out of discussion. Rick Brewster said "SVG is a vector image format. Paint.NET is a raster/bitmap editor. It wouldn't make any sense for us to work with that file type. "

    So I use Inkscape where you can convert jpg to SVG and SVG to png.

  2. It´s me again, after 2 months and try 500 times I finally get it

    For those who still struggleling with the tutorial some tips

    Step #1.

    On the layer text white font and black background. Choose Arial black, font size #108, gausian blur #20.

    STEP #2.

    Add New Layer (clouds)

    On layer clouds on the window (LAYERS) double click on the layer to open (Layer Properties) on blending mode box choose ( DIFFERENCE )

    On windows clouds effects >render>clouds choose Scale #510, roughness #0.45, blend mode box choose ( NEGATION ). PRESS OK then press ( CTRL+F ) and you will see how the text cange with the clouds and stop when you get a form you like it. almost 20 times

    STEP #3

    The same like Tom Jackson tutorial viewtopic.php?f=15&t=2758

    Menu>adjustments> levels hit reset output area change to 128, 2.0, 0.

    STEP #4

    The same like Tom Jackson tutorial

    Menu>adjustments> levels hit reset Input area change 210. then

    IMPORTANT: On this step on the windows ( Layers ) move layer text first place and clouds layer second.

    Then double click on layer text to open layer properties and choose blend mode box ( NEGATION )

    Step #5

    From here is the same like Tom Jackson tutorial


  3. It´s me again, after 2 months and try 500 times I finally get it

    For those who still struggleling with the tutorial some tips

    Step #1.

    On the layer text white font and black background. Choose Arial black, font size #108, gausian blur #20.

    STEP #2.

    Add New Layer (clouds)

    On layer clouds on the window (LAYERS) double click on the layer to open (Layer Properties) on blending mode box choose ( DIFFERENCE )

    On windows clouds effects >render>clouds choose Scale #510, roughness #0.45, blend mode box choose ( NEGATION ). PRESS OK then press ( CTRL+F ) and you will see how the text cange with the clouds and stop when you get a form you like it. almost 20 times

    STEP #3

    The same like Tom Jackson tutorial viewtopic.php?f=15&t=2758

    Menu>adjustments> levels hit reset output area change to 128, 2.0, 0.

    STEP #4

    The same like Tom Jackson tutorial

    Menu>adjustments> levels hit reset Input area change 210. then

    IMPORTANT: On this step on the windows ( Layers ) move layer text first place and clouds layer second.

    Then double click on layer text to open layer properties and choose blend mode box ( NEGATION )

    Step #5

    From here is the same like Tom Jackson tutorial


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