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  1. Some how I knew this. I can't delete fonts of my computer; unfortunately it's a shared computer. >.< I'll just have to remember to save my work before I go hunting down fonts. Thanks again everyone.
  2. There's only one problem with that; I don't have a font folder in my paint.net folder.
  3. I'm sorry if there is something about this posted already. I've read through a lot of information and still not seen this. I may just be blind. I have been using PDN to try a new tut I found; that I enjoy. I used a certain font and I couldn't remember the font name so I was scrolling through them one by one. What happens it crashes; and tells me there is a note on my desktop explain what happened. I sent the e-mail in and restarted my computer. I left it alone for a while; then went searching for the font. I found it and used it. Then I went looking through my fonts again; I use it for maybe a minute or two then it crashes on me again. This is the message I get.
  4. Thank you for the link. I've updated my WinZip and it's working now. Thank you everyone for you'll help.
  5. I have the latest version. I just downloaded it today. It's version 3.22.
  6. I had it opened when I moved the file there, I just downloaded the file to the effect folder. But I have opened and closed it twice now and still no Shadow-drop. -- I've deleted it and saved it to my desk top then moved it to the effect folder. Paint.net was closed as I did this. I opened it again and looked; still no Shadow-drop. lol I must have some great luck. Or I'm doing something wrong here.
  7. I guess it doesn't work for me yet; because I've looked at your screen shot then Paint.Net and it's not there. I'll try it again. Thank you. After I place it in the effect folder, do I have to do anything else with it; or will it do it on it's own?? I have considered downloading the new WinZip, but it's not my computer and for the amount of times I use WinZip I don't think it would really matter. But thank you.
  8. Thank you for moving it; I'm sorry I posted it in the wrong area. -- I read over the help you offered; and saved it in the right area; but I still can't seem to find where it is now. I don't know where to look for this Drop-Shadow effect.
  9. I've read through most of the Drop-Shadow stuff and been to the links to download it. But I'm having a problem trying to open it. I need this drop-shadow for a project I'm working on; but I can't seem to open it or use it. I've downloaded it and when I try to open it with WinZip it tells me there is an error that it's not named properly or something insane like that. Anyone else having this problem or have a solution for me? Thanks everyone.
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