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Posts posted by comerlulu

  1. BoltBait was actually joking both times. We apologize that you took it the wrong way - BoltBait is an incredibly nice guy. Just quite sarcastic. :-)

    Oh, is that what that is? I have such a dry sense of humor, I couldn't tell. :P Actually, Sir, I am quite familiar with "Sarcasm" , as I am the Queen of Sarcasm. In other words my last post was dripping with it. You all just might have met your match here. I can stand toe to toe with anybody, literally, because being a hillbilly, I don't have no shoes.

    I thought for sure the "Warmth from the hot stick your jabbing me with" would have given it away. If I sounded like I took it the wrong way, it was on purpose. :shock: :lol:

    You'll find I love to make people laugh, well ok , I like making myself laugh. Hopefully, I didn't hurt BoltBait's feelings. If I did, lick your wounds and get back on here and show me what ya got ! :lol:


    the Laughing Hillbilly

  2. Oops! Did I forget to put the [sarcasm] tags in my post? :oops:

    At any rate, welcome to the board and thanks for reading the rules.

    I'm sure you'll get along fine here. We have lots of friendly members always willing to help.

    Ouch, you are brutal, Sir.

    Lots of friendly members, huh, now is that including you? Because I can really feel the warmth from your hot stick you keep jabbing me with! I have yet to find a place that I didn't get along fine in, of course, there's always a first. ( Thought I'd point that out before you had the chance.)

    I assume that I found all my faults in my first post, as I noticed you didn't point any others out. Am I correct?

    I'll be sure and keep my eyes open for the friendlys around here, I have a feeling they may be few and far between. :wink: :lol:


  3. Mr. BoltBait,

    I'm truly sorry, Sir. I unfortunately have a tendacy to try and write my post as I hear it in my head. In other words, when I talk, I get very animated and overly excited. I know that rule #5 , no "!!!", "???", and the extra "o's" in the word "so" was definately one I broke. Quite possibly I broke a rule when I chose my first post to be on this particular thread. Also, I meant, being a Newbie, I'm glad I joined after the new, "Do not bite newbies" rule. But, I can not apologize for being a blonde, or a hillbilly,(This is why I say "ya'll".) I will how ever apologize for saying "cause" instead of "because" and "alotta" instead of "a lot of". I promise I will always read and do my best to search for answers to my questions before I ever ask anyones help, Sir. I understand how annoying it would be for the Mods to have to answer the exact same question over and over again. Not to mention what a waste of your time it is. I'm sure being a Mod is both a rewarding and exausting job. I can't imagine someone asking to be a Mod. (rule 19) Clearly if you have to ask to be a Mod, you probably are not qualified. That is a rule I will never break ! Of course the "Must Read All The Rule First" was the biggest and most important rule I broke !

    I have to say again that the talented people and impressive graphics they have created are truly amazing to me. I really look forward to learning how to use Paint.Net.

    I hope I figured out all the rules I broke in my post. Please let me know if I missed any. I don't want to be a burden to you or anyone else for that matter. I can take any constructive criticism, it's the destructive criticism that is hard to swallow.

    Last but not least, "Thanks So Much " for welcoming me to the board, Sir. That sentence alone, made me brave enough to post again and try to correct all the previous mistakes I made. I hope I did better this time !


    the Embarassed Hillbilly :oops:

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