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Posts posted by booman

  1. yeah I was thinking of that...

    I'll post a picture of the final work and then the readers can click on it to go to my tutorial.

    I was just hoping there was a way to upload the tutorial on the PaintDotNet server so if my server goes down or changes the tutorial will still be here. But I'm sure if every tutorial was done that way the server would be full.

    Also the tutorial is a beginners guide to making a 4x6 card for printing. I explain all the tools I used in full detail and show screenshots for everything. It is a simple card with text, foreground object and a background but it will help beginners to learn how to use PaintDotNet tools and functionality.

    I refurbish computers and give them away, so instead of telling my clients to purchase Photoshop I just put PaintDotNet on their computer. Maybe I'll start adding this tutorial along with the program.

  2. Hello Paint Dot Net community.

    I have a tutorial I made for a family member and thought it would be cool to post it here.

    Is there a preferred way to post tutorials or should I just upload it to my server and link to it from here?

    It is a very detailed tutorial on how to make a card for beginners. I go in depth on how to use certain tools that are used in the tutorial. I made an html and referred all the images (50qty.) to it.

    I don't mind posting the images in this forum but it will take a while...

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