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Posts posted by vigge_sWe

  1. Since my old tread was closed i hope this not gets closed.

    Hi! 1st I need a plugin that allows me to open .sol files and edit them. The second request is a plugin that can turn a picture into small green lines in a customizable width. Can I get this?

    Drakaan asked:

    2 questions to you, then.

    1. What are .sol files?

    2. Can you post a picture of what you mean by "turn a picture into small green lines"?


    .sol files are the savefile from the game line rider. I thought it would be cool if I can put real pictures in the track without sitting there and drawing everything by hand witch I am very bad on.



    To something like this (I draw this by hand):


    I actually cheated on this images but it isn't easy as so in line rider.

  2. .sol files are the savefile from the game line rider. I thought it would be cool if I can put real pictures in the track without sitting there and drawing everything by hand witch I am very bad on.



    To something like this (I draw this by hand):


    I actually cheated on this images but it isn't easy as so in line rider.

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