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Posts posted by bschaldon

  1. >Yet you come in here and are dising it because it not as devloped as a image editor that been around for years !

    Someone's not reading my posts. Nowhere have I criticised the program - its clearly a laudable effort, and I'm glad that so many people find it useful. Long may it prosper.

    I'm not a professional photographer (yet!), just an enthusiastic amateur, and I don't have the money for the latest version of Photoshop. But there is no place on my desktop for an unmanaged application - free or otherwise - it just won't work - its not a matter of taste or missing functionality that you can work around, but a core feature of a photo editor.


  2. It is not meant to be a replacement for Adobe Photoshop.

    Well, you could have fooled me, and seemingly others too! From the Paint.Net Home page: "It's like a free Photoshop."

    That may well be a quote, but the feature set and UI is certainly derivative of early Photoshop.

    Anyway, point now clarified, so I'll uninstall it and ignore...

    brian smith

  3. Colo(u)r Management is effectively the process whereby the colours values in an image can be used to produce consistent output on a variety of devices - monitors, printers, etc. If you don't know about it, it may come as a shock that the RGB values in a digital image can only be interpreted in relation to a given standard colour space. The default assumption made by Windows (and non colour managed applications like Internet Explorer) is to treat all images as being in the sRGB colour space, and whilst this may well be true for many digital camera images, its actually a quite limiting space that offers a very small range of colours from the total theoretically possible. Many photographers choose to work in a wider gamut space like AdobeRGB, which means their images look washed out when viewed in a non colour-managed application like Paint.Net.

    Its a big topic, but here's a simple introduction to the basic principles:


    brian smith

  4. I'm rather surprised to see no mention of Color Management in either the forum or the application help files & tutorials. Since I work with mainly photos in the AdobeRGB color space, Paint.net is useless to me at present. Is it really meant to be a paint program, or a photo editor? Are there any plans for supporting color management?


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