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Posts posted by jamfx

  1. Hi,

    ok, than I realy should start playing the lottery or start my personal lightninghunting...

    Can anybody think of this possibility in a way that doesn't let me stand like an idiot? I know what I did. I'm not a studpid kid that want's to play... I just want to use PdN as I did before!

    So please everybody:

    Start thinking in the direction of what could have happened to me.

    I just repeat my question (as I did only 2-3 times before)

    What can I do to use this font (I posted in my topicstart) again with my PdN?! I used EXATLY this font, not anything else! I USED PdN and used some more openfonts with it. So please somebody, think with me...

    Thank you!


  2. Thany you for your reply and of course I realized, that he worte PdN. But I do know too what I did! And I do know that I showed you the resource, where I got the font from and so you can now think of your self, if a wonder happened to me than I will start playing the lottery. But as much as I know it's easier to get hit by lightning...

    Hey, I don't want to bother or worry anybody. I just wanted to ask, what could have happened? As you can see, it worked once. I didn't change anything in the meantime except the PdN-version

    Thank you once more!



  3. Hi everybody,

    I got a strange Problem. I created an image with a text inside. I used a opentype font called Unibody for it. After a fiew weeks I wanted to do something new with this font, but now I couldn't use it anymore in my Paint.net, but I don't know why? I know that it worked once...

    Can anybody tell me how to reactivate this fonts in my Paint.net? Just for you I added the font here in a zip-file. It's free font from this website


    I would love to be able to use it again...




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