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About qfx

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. A frick. I just read about not "necroposting" and it looks like I just violated a rule. Hopefully it's OK since I wanted to send out a thanks, but I didn't (and don't) think it would be worth a whole new thread. (besides, we're still under a year!)
  2. Wow, I was reading the release notes for the previous version and I'm REALLY excited to see this got added. I've been using it all day for various things and I wanted to extend a huge thanks to the implementor. I love the fixed ratio as well, that makes it super easy to do things like an MSN avatar (1:1) and get the right framing and then resize. The fixed size is terrific for finding the exact right rectangle in a photo to use as a background for a widescreen monitor! You guys rock Thanks
  3. Thanks for how fast you guys were! It's a 20" Widescreen LCD native resolution, I think most of the 20's and 24's have that as the default. Thanks for the move selection tip, I have no idea why I'd always assumed it would only move when you clicked on the handles. I guess it would be nice to have a "select fixed size/location" feature but this is certainly the bigger component of my request! Thank you
  4. Hi, I imagine there is already a way to do this, but I can't seem to figure it out (due to incompetance and n00bnishness). I did read the rules, and searched for an answer with a few different searches. What I'd like to do is select a specific size, and be able to move that selection around as the set size. For instance, I'd like to be able to make a selection the size of a wallpaper I'd like to make (say 1680x1050) and then move that selection around the image without dragging first one corner, then the other. Also, this would come in handy when copying selections from a frame in a video to make an animated gif, being able to have a set selection size would be great. I can do it by watching the selected size on the message bar at the bottom left, but it would be really nice if it could just be set and then moved around with the hand tool (like dragging the selection area around, rather than the selection itself. Thanks for any help you can/do provide. I'm a big proponent of paint.net!
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