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About Flandry

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. It's hard to reproduce what i'm talking about, but basically i mean that when i go to click the radio box for layer visibility, sometimes the listing of layers scrolls without the box being checked/unchecked or the layer i'm clicking on being selected, so that suddenly a different layer is under the cursor without any change in the state of the layer visibility. I'll try to find the specific conditions necessary.
  2. Hi everyone First of all, i want to give kudos to the devs for a wonderful program. It has the features i needed without the gimpy cruft that makes for a mountain of a learning curve. That said, in using the beta release build, i have noticed strange behavior when trying to select layers. Sometimes i'll try to click to show or not show a layer and the whole list of layers will jump back to the top or bottom entry. Anyway, the net effect is that the layer i'm trying to click is no longer the one under the mouse.
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