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Posts posted by Shadow.NET

  1. Here's a quick way I do shadow with out using any plugins.

    While doing the box with rounded corners to crop the picture select the box and on a new layer Shadow fill in the selection with black.

    Then just use the gaussian blur on the new layer to create the shadow maybe around 12 or so.

    Then move the layer so it is off set from you image to create the drop shadow effect.

  2. Movable toolbars -- Not gonna happen. In my opinion, it is way way way more trouble than it is worth. (Please do not confuse "toolbar" with the "floating tool windows": Tools, History, Layers, Colors. Those are already movable, dockable, and some are also sizable.)

    How do you Dock the Tool Windows? I can only snap them to edges of the app, I can't figure out how to dock them so the draw area resizes.

    Any way to do this? Can you add it to the request list if not?


    My Example Mockup of Docked tool Windows

    (Notice the location of Ruler and Scroll bars):


    Click for full size

  3. .NET Framework 3.0 is included in Vista so you don't need to install it.

    The 3.0 framework is basically the same as .NET 2.0 as far as the core framework goes so many .NET 2.0 application should run under .NET 3.0 Framework. The major difference between .NET 2 and 3 is the inclusion of what MS is refering to as Pilars or foundations. So included with the core (.NET 2.0) they've added on the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), and a Windows Workflow Foundation (WF).

    So the biggest change if you want to move from a 2.0 app to a 3.0 app is moving from Windows Forms to WPF. Or adding in workflow, communications and ingration with Office 2007 but thats not required in a program like PDN.

  4. Is there anyway to dock the history and layers windows to the right or left of the screen?

    Or dock to the menu bar and hovering would fully show the full window? (like media player docks to the tool bar)

    I like the translucent effect but sometimes it would be nice if they could just be docked and the screen wouldn't strech beyond them, like Visual Studio's properties windows.

    Another feature that would be nice is if you could specify the translucent degree so they could almost be completely invisible until you hover over them.



  5. Is there a function in Paint.NET like there is in MS Paint to paste or move and leave behind the secondary color?


    I find this very useful when I take a screenshot of a form and then set the secondary color to the form color and then I can move buttons and field around to create a new form. Great for mockups!

    Although Paint.NET has many other extremely useful features that I just couldn't do in MS paint like transparency, crop, magic wand, tolerance, I just need this one other feature.

    Alternatively if there was a tool that was like a combination of the selection tools and magic wand so you could select and area around item and then it would snap into place ignoring the background around it. Or even if the magic wand would work inside a selection box then I could just magic wand the background in the selection and invert it.

    Also is there a way to change the background color so when you delete or cut something it doesn't leave a transparent hole, it automatically fills it in with the color?


    New User!

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