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Posts posted by mjpatey

  1. Well, that kind of stinks. I was hoping for something that could replace Photoshop for me. This is certainly an impressive program in its own right... I love the Levels interface, for example.

    I guess the problem is that so many of us have different definitions of what would constitute an acceptably scaled-down replacement for our current de facto image editor.

    It does seem to me that feathering a selection ought to be a basic feature of any image editor that allows one to select an area... but maybe that's not so for everyone?

    Thanks for the help, and of course I do hope PDN gets feathering added to its feature list soon!

  2. I think I see what you've done, and it's quite cool. I can imagine lots of uses for it. It's just that it's not what other programs would call "feather". Instead of feathering a selection, it's feathering the edges of a hole (by a fixed amount) that's already been cut in the layer.

    I'm trying to be able to select an area of a layer (with any of the selection tools), then transform the selection by applying "fuzziness" to the selection's edges (not to the actual paint's edges), in varying degrees based on the need. That way, I can then go make an adjustment (like levels, brightness and contrast, etc.), and it will affect the fuzzy area, with the effect becoming less toward the edges of the selection based on how many pixels of fuzziness I asked for.

    Also, being able to "feather" the edges of the brush would be useful.

    If you aren't familiar with these features, Photoshop has them, as do Gimp and Pixel.

    In any case, thanks for the plug-in!

    Does anybody know if feathering "a la Photoshop" is a planned feature?


  3. Hi,

    I'm brand-new to PDN, and am impressed with so much of it! The one thing I'm having a hard time getting around is the lack of an outright "Feather Selection" option. I use it all the time in Photoshop, and can't figure out a way to achieve the same thing here.

    If you're not familiar with the feature, it basically makes the edges of a selection fuzzy (to whatever degree the user chooses-- in pixels), so you can achieve natural blends between effects or edits.

    Also, along the same lines, how do you make the brush fuzzy? I see only a hard-edged option.

    Thanks for any help you may have!


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