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Posts posted by wiak

  1. Was looking for WebP support too. It's a very important technology for the future of the web.

    Look at the significant savings here: http://my.opera.com/chooseopera/blog/on-a-horse-opera-turbo-to-the-rescue

    Anyway, I'll look into writing a plugin when I get some free time. It might not be until this semester is over...


    hey would make more sense to write a WIC aka Windows Imaging Component plugin for paint.net



    this also has a huge benefit of allow for opening RAW files like Nikons .NEF and Canons .CR2 and any other wic codec from sony, panasonic, samsung etc,

    i posted about this a while ago

  2. would be nice if the upcoming Paint.NET 4.0 supported this technology




    it will make it simple to officially support filetypes such as RAW using the codecs by the camera manufacturers

    note: most people will be sendt to the manufacturer to download the wic codec when viewing a raw picture in windows photo viewer

    Nikon RAW/NEF WIC Codec


    Canon RAW WIC Codec


  3. please add 64-bit support

    so people with more than 2GB ram can use it to

    paint.net is 64-bit enabled so its nice if the rawloader was to

    btw, anyone know why i get gray raw images from my nikon d40x?

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