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Posts posted by mgillespie

  1. Something I have never understood about Paint.net.

    Sometimes when I paste an image into an existing image, using the mouse moves the image, other times it stretches it.

    I have tried moving the mouse to get the hand icon, (rather than the stretch arrows), but it still stretches.


    Am I being thick?

  2. Looking at some of the requests here, it's clear in my mind, that they will move Paint.NET away from the ease of use/keep it simple philosphy.

    Paint.NET is simply too good, people want all their stuff they have in Photoshop and Paintshop Pro, Rick, it's all your fault :-)

    Perhaps the install should prompt and default to basic mode, where only basic functionality is available, (Paint + a few other essential bits), everything else hidden in an advanced mode, which could be turned on during install, or at a later date somewhere in the basic UI, unlocking all the goodies.

    My concern is that, whilst Paint.NET is currently an excellent tool for my Mum, it's quickly turning into a power-tool which would scare the likes of my mum...


  3. Can we have a look at them, there are many areas missing in Alpha 1, but it's only worth me logging a report, if you are not delaring them in the release notes...

    For example, highlighting several files in explorer, and selecting to open with Paint .NET, only opens 1 file.... This may be a known limitation, but until I see declared issues, then I don't know...

  4. Chose not to save changes, got the following exception.

    This text file was created because Paint.NET crashed.

    Please e-mail this file to paint.net@hotmail.com so we can diagnose and fix the problem.

    Application version: Paint.NET v3.0 (Milestone 2 Release build 3.0.2458.3150)

    Time of crash: 24/09/2006 22:27:32

    Application uptime: 00:00:42.7343750

    OS Version: 6.0.5728.0 Service Pack 0, v.3 --- Exception while populating osType: System.ArgumentException: Enum underlying type and the object must be same type or object must be a String. Type passed in was 'System.Byte'; the enum underlying type was 'System.Int32'.

    at System.Enum.IsDefined(Type enumType, Object value)

    at PaintDotNet.SystemLayer.OS.get_Type()

    at PaintDotNet.Startup.UnhandledException(Exception ex)


    .NET Framework version: 2.0.50727.128 x86

    Processor: 1x IntelĀ® PentiumĀ® M processor 1.86GHz

    Physical memory: 1021 MB

    Exception details:

    System.ApplicationException: ThreadBackgroundMode() object must be manually Disposed()

    at PaintDotNet.SystemLayer.ThreadBackgroundMode.Finalize()


  5. Or even better, remember which tool you use most often.

    The problem with his intellisense stuff, is it confuses users. They wonder why it used to default to the fill tool, and now defaults to the selection tool, and raises support requests to change it back.

    I say keep it simple, just change it to selection tool, or give us a valid reason to WHY it defaults to the line draw tool, and leave it at that...

    Just my 2p worth.

  6. To the default tool.

    It seems by default, when you launch Paint.NET, having the freehand drawing tool, is a strange default. Even after using Paint.NET all this time, I still expect it to be the select tool...

    Anyone else think that changing the default tool to select would be a good change?

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