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Posts posted by Dorrie

  1. @Dorrie,

    I swapped your image for a link to the same because the image was very large (we have a limit for posted images of 800 pixels maximum). By posting a link users can choose to view the image or not, and that saves bandwidth.

    Thank you! I've never used TinyPic before, and had only copied and pasted the address provided by TinyPic, but I remember there were some other characters on the beginning and the end. I was surprised when the actual picture showed up!

    In the future, I suppose I should be sure to paste only the actual/exact URL?

    Thanks again! -- Dorrie

  2. I am having a devil of a time trying to get rid of the "haze" on this picture and brighten the contrast on the faces. The patch of washed out sky overhead is ruining the rest of the picture.

    If anyone has any suggestions for which Paint.Net feature I should use to improve it, I would greatly appreciate it!

    Sorry, I tried to attach the picture, but I guess I don't know how to do that. Will try again later.


    Is this how to use TinyPics?

  3. The very same thing happens to me -- I get the error message just at the end of the install. My error message is the same as SAMKMM's, except the number is different.

    Error message:

    A network error occurred while attempting to read from the file: C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\Staging\PaintDotNet_75354752.msi

    I checked, and the file doesn't exist on my computer.

  4. Thank you, Mr. Brewster, for your reply!

    I have taken your advice and downloaded the V2.2 Alpha 2. Without your recommendation, I wouldn't have presumed to be knowledgeable enough to use an alpha version of any application; I thought that was just for the most experienced computer users. I am anxious now to try it out and see the new features for myself!

    One more question, though -- before I click on the exe file, am I supposed to uninstall the V2.0 from my computer?

    Thank you, again, for your help -- it is appreciated!

    Dorrie :D

  5. I am embarrassed to be the only one here with this problem :?

    I have V2.0 installed and it works great for me. I saw on your website that an update was available, so downloaded and unzipped the V2.1b file. Now I am stymied on how to install the update.

    The instructions in the src readme.txt require the use of a VERY expensive program -- "Visual Studio .NET 2003 Professional", which of course, I don't have. However, the readme in the Programs folder gives different directions and says to place "dotnetfx.exe in this directory" and gives the URL for acquiring it from Microsoft.

    It says, alternatively, I can place "any executable in here and name it dotnetfx.exe."

    I'm afraid I don't know precisely what is meant by "any executable" and where is "here"?

    If installing v2.1 is too difficult to explain in this forum, perhaps I should just continue using v2.0 and forget the update.

    Thanks in advance for your advice!

    Dorrie :)

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