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Posts posted by sjd

  1. We have developed a niche product that uses highly modified 2.1 code as the core display engine, along with proprietary DLLs, hardware and other added value.

    The License terms are not a problem, except that "Portions" is way too vague. Hence we have to make sure we attribute any relevent parts (if any are in fact identifiable) to the correct source.


  2. The PDN Licence states "Portions copyright Microsoft". There's no explicitly identified or identifyable source code sections that comes from Microsoft that I can see.

    Is this just a blanket statement that refers to the Framework DLLs? If so then why include the above statement when all dotNET apps have to include the Framework?

    Could you clarify this, and identify what, if any, code areas that are affected?



  3. Thanks Rick,

    I've also noticed other problems with BMP codecs. I currently use 16 bit BMPs to save 12bpp mono industrial camera dark current images. Because Format16bppGrayscale does not get saved/restored correctly (grrrr!), I use Format16bppRgb565. Details in the header cause Explorer to think its a 32 bit file, even though the BitmapData format is reported as 16 bit. If I create Format16bppRgb565 using C++ and create the headers Explorer is happy. I have not figured out a way to access the header (BITMAPINFOHEADER) in C# as yet.

    I was considering writing my own BMP Load and Save overrides derived from the Image class, as the Bitmap class is sealed. I'll look into using PNG instead.



  4. I've implemented code (in v2.1 base) to export a layer into a single RGB32 BMP. On import to layer, I can set the BitmapLayer Opacity to whatever I need. If the original saved layer had regions removed (set fully transparent ?) so the background is visible, these transparent regions are not reloaded (in Surface CopyFromBitmap).

    Is this a deficiency in .NET's Bitmap.Save methods or have I missed something the Surface class and how the GDI+ aliased bitmap is produced.

    Does deleting a region in a layer set that region Aplha values to 0, or is there a Transparency colour I've not yet spotted?

    regards SJD

  5. I have completed two Effect plug-ins that are intended for use in a Layer. These leave the layer transparent, and

    a) draw a rectangular grid, with trackbars setting the V+H spacing; or

    B) draw a polar grid with settable R and theta

    Both can use the current PDN Fore / Background colours via a checkbox for the grid lines. The grid is redrawn as you use the trackbars, and gets written to the Layer on Apply

    Email me for assembly DLLs. Source code is not available yet.

  6. More of a curiosity than a bug, and I've not chased this down just yet as its not a high priority...

    Going through the help source to clean up the HTML and content for grammatical consistency, I note that Limit History dialog and all Effects dialogs can't be captured. Using PSP 4 or PSP 8, I get the dialog borders, but the dialog client area captured is the window (or desktop) underneath.

    Its obviously an issue with window ownership or similar.

    Rick, can you throw some light on this?


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