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  1. If that is the case, would making a lace/net type pattern, be impossible on paint.net at the same time? Unless I individually change each pixel.
  2. top 2.zip Here's the zip file, I had to lower the resolution to post it. I've saved the PDN successfully semi-transparent before I just forgot how to do it again for my other work.
  3. I tried it but it doesn't work, even if I move around the layers nothing seems to work. I put a pale tone behind the image below to show what happens when I flatten.
  4. Thanks for the welcome! It still doesn't work, when I merge the 'multiply' layer loses all transparency. I'm trying to keep the mesh like fabric top layer transparent when I merge down. If you have any solutions to this problem, it would mean a lot thanks!
  5. I'm using multiply blend mode to make my image semi-transparent as the bottom layer. When I try merge all the layers down from the bottom two first or use Ctrl + Shift + F to flatten the image to save as PNG it loses all transparency.
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