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Posts posted by Reusability

  1. What a title, huh?


    Well, you're not quite being tracked - but it's easier for someone to narrow down where your photos have came from. This is due to whenever a .jpeg, .jpg, .jpe, .jfif, .exif, .tiff, .tif is saved using Paint.NET, by default it applies EIFF:software metadata 'paint.net {version}' to the file.


    I've written a small PowerShell script so that you can verify that when you save one of the said file extensions, metadata is written to your files.


    File:  Software Metadata Finder.zip


    How to use Software Metadata Finder:


    1. Open the folder containing your images that you want to check.
    2. Copy the content of `Software Metadata Finder.ps1`.
    3. Hold shift and right-click within the folder to open context menu.
    4. Press on the 'Open command window here' or 'PowerShell' variant.
    5. Type 'powershell' into the terminal then hit enter.
    6. Paste the previously copied code and hit enter.
    7. Type 'Find-SoftwareMetadata -SkipEmpty' without apostrophe and hit enter.


    Please may I request from the community a method compatible for Paint.NET 4.3.8 (Windows 7 Version) to prevent the automatic applying of EIFF Metadata to saved files.


    PS. Thank you for the development and community efforts for Paint.NET. I've used the software for years and appreciate the time that has gone into plugins from the community. I've only just found out about the auto saving of metadata, therefore I no-doubt have thousands of files of which I need to remove the metadata from.


    Looking forward to your help and support regarding this matter.


    Thanks all,

    - Res

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