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  1. I'll try to mess around with my sensitivity more and see if that fixes the issue. Thank you for the advice!
  2. I actually didn't know about the existence of the plugins, thank you for the info! However, my issue is a bit more than my (undoubtedly incredibly shaky) hands. When I drag my pen across my tablet, Paint.net literally won't start drawing until I get a certain distance from the point I made contact, at which instance it'll connect a straight line from there to the new point and then start drawing as normal. I wish I could give a video of this to make the point clearer, but I lack recording software.
  3. Whenever I try to draw a circle or swirl, the line starts as straight and then curves as normal. I've fiddled with settings both in-program and with my tablet's software interface (it's a One by Wacom), turned my laptop on and off, tried connecting the tablet to the computer both before and after opening the program, etc. but the problem persists no matter what I do. Is there a fix for this short of getting a replacement tablet? Attached image is a visual showing the problem.
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