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Dolce Saito

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  1. I'm glad it worked for somebody else, however installing AutoHotkey is not an option. Suggested feature is very easy to use, solves a problem and never requires you to depend anything other than paint.net ecosystem.
  2. This is the reason for the suggestion, not the solution. Think about doing this every 20 seconds for hours.
  3. This feature request has nothing to do with HSV. (Paint.net moderators already stressed "enough" that HSV is there for convenience). When working with grayscale, synchronizing RGB boxes would be an invaluable addition. It would simply increase productivity by 3 times.
  4. Is this possible as suggested? The drive is to sync 3 values by entering only once. I find myself filling 3 of the boxes with same value all the time. Psuedo requirement (for convenience): When lock is enabled; G.ReadOnly = B.ReadOnly = true; (Sub1) G.Value = B.Value = R.Value; Hex and HSV values => Recalculate. R.ValueChangeEvent => Goto (Sub1) (Optional) => Only leave grayscale colors in palette. greyScaleColors = palette.Where(color => color.R == color.G && color.R == color.B); When lock is disabled (from enabled state); G.ReadOnly = B.ReadOnly = false; (Optional) => Reinitialize color palette with rgb colors.
  5. For displacement maps. The median (leveled out) value is set by environment to 0,0,50 constant and the displacement depth is based on 0-100V. Where 0-51 (52 at most) is my working range. Also, as frio said, it is very easy to calculate, imagine and mapable to use it. 0-50 is very human calculable then 0-128 given the scenario I have.
  6. I see, but what if I only worked on hsv colors, without touching rgb at all? I set hsv: 0,0,50, and my work range is generally gray level 0-51, mostly between 35-51. Only grays. Would it be a valid "known issue" if I only use hsv values all the time? I see where you're coming from, but unlike in your examples, I am not using palette at all, directly working 0,0,50 then 0,0,49 or (0-51V), not even touching rgb. If calculation doesn't change on the fly, setting V:50 shouldn't shift to V:49 next time I switch to primary-secondary colors, if I started from point where I only changed HSV values. I think system is calculating rgb from hsv, then converting rgb back to hsv in order to show it there in the color box, where it looses precision and shifting occurs. (Converting from 1.10f to integer will yield 1, then returning to float again would yield 1, loosing precision). Probably something similar is happening.
  7. The color painted by bucket/gradient tool (maybe applies to others as well, didn't test), shifts by one (almost always down by one). So, let's say, I painted a background with HSV 0,0,50 (gray) and then do some work. When I select color picker and click on background, it shows V as 49 !!! It is not only for "show". The color really shifts. The same often happens when I switch two predefined colors in the color window. The trend is to go down, not up. (V values tend to go one down). If it doesn't happen on first try, you're lucky, try a few more times. Even more disastrous is that this also happens when merging layers, causing me to loose precise work. When I merge layers, two images with 0,0,50 backgrounds, being in overlay mode, suddenly produces 0,0,49 result after overlay mode merging. I had to bucket "several" times to remedy. But, this is no good since the workspace I have generally have very close colors (0,0,49 on 0,0,50 background, for example). To reproduce this easily, paint a background with #808080 (0,0,50 hsv), select secondary color, bump V by 1 (51), do some random brush on the picture, then try clicking primary and secondary colors a few times to see their values first, then check color picker on background, rinse&repeat. The more work you do with colors close to each other, the more shifting tends to happen.
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