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  1. Wow, thanks for so many replies, and the amount of explanation surprised me Shortcuts don't solve the issue though, they need to be clicks. However, I'm perfectly happy not to have this feedback aproved.
  2. Hello, Paint .Net is the best, but every time I need to save .jpg, I need to click File > Save As > change type to .jpg > click Save > click "Flatten" layers > click OK with compression 90% > then click Ctr + Z to continue working on layers. It would be great to have File > "Overwrite screenshot.5.jpg" to do all these with one click, applying all previously chosen settings. Also, it would be great if it read the last chosen file name and if it ended with number, e.g. "screenshot5.jpg", then there could be "File > Save screenshot6.jpg." which would save it with previously chosen settings.
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