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Posts posted by spooky

  1. From what you say it has more to do with the reliability of the plugin than the place where it is located. That makes the warning when changing the path a bit misleading. Regardless of whether it is located in the default documents folder or wherever, if the plugin author is malicious you are equally screwed.


    Leaving OneDrive aside, which is potentially more dangerous (I suppose) because it is linked to a services account, can you confirm that changing the path to another non-cloud path does not put me in more danger than in its default location (C:/Documents)? And would you consider reviewing the documentation to make it clearer?

  2. It's mentioned that setting up a custom plugin folder (I have the Windows Store version) is discouraged for safety reasons, should I be worried? Is it THAT dangerous? It's unclear whether the security risk is for choosing a OneDrive path or ANY path, the documentation page should be clear as water with these kind of warnings ⚠.


    I honestly can't stand to see the "paint.NET App Files" in my documents folders anymore... they're not actual documents. This is breaking the logical sort of my files so I really want to change the path. I want an honest answer, should I proceed?

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