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  1. Hey there, thanks for the advice. quoted you for the answer and marked it too - unfortunately it just feels the same. Could probably be my deja vu but regardless of the size, it just doesn't feel like the earlier version. Would you kindly advise me on how to downgrade PDN to the version before 5.0? (late 4-ish, i've also noticed some plugins are incompatible with it and i'm willing to downgrade instead - but forgot what version i was using)
  2. Thanks for the answer. Glad I wasn't a delusionist. Any workaround without downgrading to a later version yet? I've read something about using 2.3 as a size.
  3. made an account just for this, after upgrading to 5.0 i have noticed that the erasing and clonestamp tools feel really weird. the spacing used for both of them was 15% and brush sizes of 5 and 10 (With 0% hardness): The size 5 brushes barely felt noticeable as they seemed like not erasing/clonestamping anything, yet the size 10 brushes felt slightly more natural. I sadly cannot provide images or references to this but I would really like to know if there is any way to "smoothen" my tools like the versions before 5.0. Would this be related to the new "Spacing" feature in the toolbar? I'd really like some opinions on this. Thanks in advance. EDIT: I have some doubts this may be just a "deja-vu" but at the same time I feel something is off about the new features that makes these tools feel off. EDIT1: Attached picture is a comparison from my memory. Left is 5.0 0% hardness eraser tool and Right is <5.0 as I remember it. 5.0 just feels like it needs more brushes to obtain result from right.
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