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Posts posted by akino_germany

  1. I think the main issue is accuracy. The chromaticities calculated by paint.NET from the ICC profile are a little off compared to the chromaticities used to define the profile in the first place:

             paint.NET  eciRGB
    White x:  0.34576   0.34567 
    White y:  0.35858   0.35850
    Red x:	  0.67002   0.67
    Red y:    0.33001   0.33
    Green x:  0.20998   0.21
    Green y:  0.71005   0.71
    Blue x:   0.14000   0.14
    Blue y:   0.08002   0.08

    The sum of the Red x and y components is greater than 1, which they are not supposed to, hence the complaint from libpng.

  2. If you open a PNG (rose_eciRGB.png) with an embedded ICC profile (eciRGB v2) and then save it as a PNG (rose_pdn.png), applications using libpng (like ImageMagick) complain about "invalid chromaticities" in the cHRM chunk.
    The embedded ICC profile is gone as well.

    This doesn't happen when saving as a JPEG. 

    Edit: I'm using v4.3.6 but this has happened since at least v4.2.16


    PS testImages> magick.exe identify .\rose_eciRGB.png
    .\rose_eciRGB.png PNG 70x46 70x46+0+0 8-bit sRGB 10840B 0.000u 0:00.000
    PS testImages> magick.exe identify .\rose_pdn.png
    .\rose_pdn.png PNG 70x46 70x46+0+0 8-bit sRGB 9060B 0.016u 0:00.011
    identify: cHRM: invalid chromaticities `.\rose_pdn.png' @ warning/png.c/MagickPNGWarningHandler/1746.




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