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Posts posted by Kelderek

  1. It is fully working for me with PDN 4.3.3, the latest version of this plugin, and moving the FileTypes registry entry from HKCU to the HKLM hive.  Now every user on the computer can open HEIC files with no extra steps necessary.  Thanks, everyone!

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  2. Thanks for putting in the change!  Does that mean there will be an HKLM registry entry instead of the HKCU one?  It is easier for me to deal with registry entries than the paintdotnet:/set:FileTypes/BuiltInHEICFileTypeEnabled=false command, as a side effect of the command is that Paint.NET is left running under the deployment user's context.


    Good to know about the user specific plugins!  I may use that when I help people on their personal computers so they aren't modifying things in Program Files.  Also the command to block it is very good to know so I can prevent them from running arbitrary plugin code on work systems.  Does that go at HKLM\Software\paint.net?

  3. 4 hours ago, Rick Brewster said:


    You're trying to activate this plugin for all users of the system, I take it? Can you give us some more detail on your scenario?


    I believe I made the "scope" for this setting CurrentUser as a conservative test-the-waters kind of thing. I'm open to expanding it.


    (The 4 scoping values are CurrentUser, SystemWide, CurrentUserWithSystemWideOverride, and SystemWideWithCurrentUserOverride)

    I am the IT guy for a small company and Paint.NET + a plugin pack that I compiled get deployed to our systems automatically.  They get deployed as a different account from the primary computer user, so a per user scoping would mean needing an extra login script or special instructions if someone needs HEIC to use this plugin.


    From the scopes you listed, I think SystemWideWithCurrentUserOverride would make the most sense because plugins aren't user specific.  If someone needed built-in HEIC support for some reason, they could still override the system default.

  4. This plugin worked great for me, thanks!  My only remaining issue is that the command to disable the built-in HEIC codec is user specific.  Is there a way to set it for all users?  I saw that it created a registry entry in the HKCU hive, but trying to set it at the same place in HKLM didn't work.

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