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  1. It worked now! Thank you for fixing the bug! I'm very appreciate a lot! 😆
  2. I don't know which picture cause the crash of the program, but I remember correctly, I did about many pixel arts of Roblox's texture for uploading. Do you know that picture's file name? I'll search and try to do a solution.
  3. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CCfLHJBAVWVojs60am87wAm3_j9-rYJW/view?usp=sharing Here's the performance trace! Hope this will help you!
  4. Hello, everybody. My name is Kierof and I think I have a problem about running Paint.net after I installed the latest update. Look at the picture below. I was about finding the way to making program running again. I found this problem since yesterday when the program notified me about installing the latest version of paint.net. (which is 4.3.1) When I installed it, the program cannot be run and using about 18% of CPU. Is there any advise to help this? I'm very thank you for whoever can solve this problem!
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