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Posts posted by Azhrei

  1. wait... you mean the pics. Like if I free hand drew around the pic in the frame (i mean the part of the cover that LOOKS like a picture frame) on the front (spidey with the blue city background) to select that pic then hit delete, then you'd have all those blocks meaning it's transparent... I could put a pic in another layer at that point and do what I was thinking of?


    You know, now that I typed that out.... That might've been what i did lmao. Didn't think I spent the time to free hand around whatever was in Goblin, Venom, and Sandman's spots.... but maybe I did. I'm going to try it out.

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  2. Nevermind I figured it out. Put it in the effect folder and it shows up in the Effect list. And damn lol the options with that, it's basically what I explained in my first post. If I'm pasting into a box that's on a bigger picture... I just wish I could figure out what I did on that spiderman movie cover. It's a LOT faster then trying to draw straight lines to outline a random shape (not a square box) to paste into...


    Anyway, thank you. At least I can do this now...

  3. Hi, I made a cover for my spiderman trilogy (movies) a couple months ago. The pic attached is really shrunk down for size limitations on here, so if you zoom in it gets blurry. But you can make out what's needed. Every picture in the boxes on that cover are not the ones that were there originally. The one on the cover and every pic on the back. I found the ones you see now, added them all to the original... template (white and blue cover with different pics) as different layers obviously, and somehow moved them down UNDER the layer but still visible. So I was moving them around in the "windows" until they were centered well. Like... take the big one on the front. Imagine it's a physical picture frame. The frame blocks part of the SQUARE picture of spiderman as you move it around underneath. 


    I hope that makes sense, cause I'm trying to do the same thing now in another picture (6 family pics trying to put them in a bigger picture with 6 "windows") and I can't figure out what in the heck I did then... I copy one pic into the main one as a new layer, and I figure I move the layer (layer 2, the 1st of 6 small pics) down... but that just moves it down the list and makes it invisible. I've tried every option in the toolbar, nothing works. I have no clue what I did before... I would just move each of the 6 smaller pics over the 6 spaces/boxes and flatten the layers but the "windows"/boxes in the main pic aren't square, they're more like quadrilaterals and I wanna get the 6 under them like the spiderman ones.

    Spiderman Trilogy.jpg

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