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  1. This still doesn't fix my problem. @Rick Brewsterdo you know a fix?
  2. I am using the Paint-Bucket fill feature, "Wide Downward Diagonal," specifically, and the colors being used in the fill are, for some reason, darker than the ones in my color selection. Is this an unfixed bug or is there an easy fix? In picture #1, Dark Green & Teal are the sample colors. In picture #2, you can see the result of using those exact sample colors and the fill feature. Ignore the Red/Gray dashes and the deep Green at the bottom.
  3. It kind of works. See, whenever I do it, it no longer has the same effect when the alpha is turned down. >>For the image, on the left is no overwrite, but on the right it is.
  4. Whenever I say, try to color something in using the brush tool (with lower alpha as it is transparent), whenever I go back over it, it becomes darker. Is there a way to stop this?
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