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Sarah L

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Posts posted by Sarah L

  1. I'd also appreciate the option to let PDN know that my default settings are the ones I want to always use. As others have stated, this isn't a suggestion to remove the dialog or even to make it non-default for first time installations, but for a regular/basic user to be able to tell PDN that they don't need to see those options every time they save a new file. I'd still support a notification if a save is going to merge layers, but more often than not I'm saving a one-layer image like a screenshot.


    So many times I've confirmed on the Save As dialog and walked away from the computer, and then come back to it and realise it hasn't saved yet. This has caused confusion a couple of times when I don't see the file in my Dropbox on a different device. 


    I consider this request to be one of increasing user-friendliness, without taking away from the functionally of the programme.

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