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Bill Regez

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Posts posted by Bill Regez

  1. I understand how the resolution effects the image and printing quality.  That really isn't my question if you refer back to my original post.  I guess I'm not asking the question clearly so we can stop at this point.  I think I'll purchase Photoshop Elements, that program makes more sense to me. I do appreciate everyone taking the time to try to explain it to me.  It's me it's not you.

  2. I see that, and I'm already in inches, but I don't get it.  Is there a video somewhere that shows my how to crop to specific inches vs pixels without losing my original resolution?  .  In Photoshop there was a crop tool and you could use with the option of inches or pixels.  It was simple. Thanks for the help your trying to give me but I don't see it

  3. Under the resize drop down menu, if I check absolute size, put in 4 x 6 inches, the image gets distorted.  If I check maintain the aspect ration I can't get the size I need.  actually I don't want to resize the complete original image.  I want to select the 4 x 6 portion of that image.  I hope that all makes sense.

  4. How do I crop an image file to exact inches, vs pixels, while maintaining the original resolution.  I know how to use the crop tool but I can't crop to inches.  Crop first and then try to resize the image, that doesn't make any sense.  I want to crop my images to standard print sizes like 4 x6 and 5 x 7.  What am I doing wrong here, it shouldn't take 3 different actions.

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