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  1. Update 2: The app somehow refuses to work again. Doing the method above doesn't help neither. I noticed that my antivirus was deleting the file, so I tried turning off the program. Doesn't help much. I also noticed that the "missing" dll file is deleted after repairing process is over, which kind of "resetting the cycle". Antivirus is disabled at the time as well, so I'm not sure what the problem is. Edit: somehow internet lagged and sent this message twice
  2. Update 2: The app somehow refuses to work again. Doing the method above doesn't help neither. I noticed that my antivirus was deleting the file, so I tried turning off the program. Doesn't help much. I also noticed that the "missing" dll file is deleted after repairing process is over, which kind of "resetting the cycle". Antivirus is disabled at the time as well, so I'm not sure what the problem is.
  3. Update: I think I got the app worked. I reinstalled the dll file and then after that I pressed Repair button. The app seem to be working properly now. Thanks guys!
  4. The problem is the mentioned file isn't even in the folder, so nothing to delete at all. Sorry for the late reply. I somehow lose access to my internet for few days.
  5. 1. Windows 10. 2. I had used paint.net for like a year or two before this happened. 3. Yes. I also tried that method. To no avail.
  6. Nope. None of the method worked. In fact I tried doing what Pixey said before coming here. I'm stuck
  7. Every time I open the app this box keeps opening. It's been preventing me from opening the app for 2 days now. I tried reinstalling but it doesn't help. Any fix?
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