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Simone Avogadro

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Posts posted by Simone Avogadro

  1. I've an image which has "hard" alpha-transparency (=pixels are either fully transparent or not transparent at all).

    I'd like to smoothen the transition so that the "last" pixels on the frontiers become progressively more transparent, so that once overlapped with the background it will blend more softly.


    let me represent this on one dimension:


    Currently I've

    Image: 000000DDDDDDD   (0=empty, D=data)
    Alpha: 0000009999999   (0= fully transparent ...  9=not transparent at all)


    Id' want to get to:

    Image: 000000DDDDDDD   (0=empty, D=data)
    Alpha: 0000001369999   (0= fully transparent ...  9=not transparent at all)


    I guess there might be a plugin which does this but I couldn't find it.

    I found plugins which allow feathering the selection but:

    • this does effect the content of the image too, not just the alpha channel
    • this does "expand" the selection, whereas here I need to create the softening in the inside (because there's no data pixel outside the image)
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