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Posts posted by obguthr

  1. On 11/15/2017 at 7:01 AM, welshblue said:


    1 second to press Enter ?  Unless of course you've a disability and then it would take longer

    So if you repeatedly use the PaintBucket 30 times you're adding 30 seconds to your workload if you're able bodied ... not a bad trade off for something - depending which version you use is, free


    There's Pro's and Con's for features of every software out there depending on personal likes/dislikes.  Some will like this feature - some won't ... but let's not over egg any inconvenience.  It is what it is and me personally, I'd rather see the Developer commit his time to what he sees as important for the future of something he's spent Lord knows how many hours on and wouldn't dream of saying what I 'expect' him to do.  


    From bitter experience I know it didn't go down well when I tried that with my wife ... 


    On 11/15/2017 at 7:01 AM, welshblue said:

    30 seconds isn't that much at all. But, a typical drawing requires hundreds if not thousands of fills.  So we aren't talking about 30 seconds. It's more like minutes of unnecessary keystrokes. At any rate, the question becomes should I take a second to Undo when I make a mistake or hit ESC every time I want to do anything, mistake or not.



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