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  1. in image attached (hopefully) I used rectangle select around the 1991 and ball. You can see brighter green slashing along with yellow within that box using secondary color. Once you get to edge of rectangle it stops. Also I cannot use black as secondary color
  2. It does not happen in any other graphics editor... Paint, Paint 3D, Irfanview, photoscape... just paint.net
  3. Windows 10 - build 1703.. paint.net 4.021 If I import a logo and use rectangle select to pick an area. I can use any any secondary color but except black. I've used paint.net for many years and never had an issue with it until last upgrade.
  4. I can select black or any other color in various other programs... Paint, Irganview, Paint 3D
  5. Entering text for example: I go to color wheel, select black as primary color. Go back and type and nothing is there. Editing a graphic: I select paintbrush, pick a color, attempt to edit it. Nothing happens. Even if I just want to slash a line thru the graphic. Only if I select Add a layer can I select a color.
  6. When I open paint.net I cannot select any color for paintbrush/pencil etc or text in that layer. If I add a layer I can then select and use any color.
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