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Posts posted by Decipher

  1. 22 hours ago, barbieq25 said:

    Hello @Decipher, welcome to the forum.


    If you have a raster image (Paint.NET is raster) that is say 100 x 250 pixels & you try to make it 400 x 1000, it will get pixelated. 

    If you shrink a raster image down, any unnecessary information will be discarded. 

    If on the other hand you want to increase the size, new pixel information needs to be created and it does that by its best guesses & therefore you will get a pixelly image & it will depend on how much you increase it by.


    Vector images are able to be scaled infinitely but since Paint.NET uses raster, it won't help you much. 


    In my work I regularly use a canvas that is 4 times the size of what I want the finished product to be. Then I scale it down & the result is beautifully smooth work. The maple leaf that I did is not as smooth as I would like it to be because I broke this rule :( 


    Try these ideas & let us know how you go.

    But when I was scaling down pictures before, it was smooth, and not badly pixelated. that's weird. :/

  2. Hello, I am new here and sorry if this is in the wrong forum.

    I was copying and pasting images soo goodly smooth

    But one day suddenly when i tried to copy and paste, the image got pixelated when i resized it.

    Could someone help me please? been trying to solve this, couldnt find anything.

    I know there is something where you can set Pixelated to Smooth but idk where it is now.

    Please help :/


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