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Posts posted by Lanceo90

  1. On 1/4/2017 at 4:07 PM, AnthonyScoffler said:

    I'm working on it. I should have a solution for you in a few days or less.


    Edit: Well, that was faster than expected. I've attached the .dll file. You'll need to drop it in the Effects folder under Paint.net. (An easy way to get there is to right-click paint.net, click "open file location" and do that again on the shortcut. You should see the Effects folder at the top, then.)


    It was fun :)






    Select the tile you want to change. Click the button to store it as the "image to be replaced". Select (or draw) the tile you want to replace it with. Store that as the second image. Go to it again and click "replace". You can also use "reset" to use it on multiple tiles. It might be slow on a large image.

    Wow, thanks!  That worked

  2. Greetings everyone,

    That question might not make sense at first glance so here's the more elaborate question:

    I have a map file made from a tile set that I want to simplify the tiles down to just a single color.  There's a lot of them, and it's a big image.  I started by just copy pasting but it's going to take way too long.  So I was curious if Paint.net has a built in method to replace sets of pixels with another, or if there is a plugin than can do it.

    Here's a visual representation of what I mean using a small piece of the map:

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