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Posts posted by MisterAqua

  1. Hi, i'm wondering how polar inversion works. is Paint.net setting the r coordonate with the x and set ϕ to y (eg: A (x, y) -> A' (1/x, y). I don't know where the inversion goes, but i'm 90% sure the effect invert the "r coordonate" cause the center is infinite. Also i don't know what the "quantity parameter" do :(

    I want to reproduce the effect with python to modify some things cause i want another result (like increasing quantity to -10 or more)


    Thanks for reading


  2. Ok merci beaucoup pour ta réponse rapide.

    Je te parle français car je suis français et que tu a l'air de l'être aussi (a moi que tu kiff le chat noir sans etre francais)

    Je peux creer et sauvegarder une image tout seul, ce n'est pas le plus embêtant. 

    Merci beaucoup en tout cas pour script lab, c'est exactement ce que je cherchait



    Just in case you re not french :

    OK thank you very much for your fast answer.

    I can create and save my image by miself, it is not most annoying. 
    Thank you for script lab, it is exactly what I was looking for :D


  3. How can i made a bot that do some thing for me like :

    Make me a new image by 70x61p

    Fill it with red

    Apply noises (with 15 as fisrt parameter , 23 as ....)

    Draw a rectangle at 0,0 with a weight of 10 and a height of 28

    Save it sa .png file on my desktop



    Is there any program to do it ?

    Or must i use a program that record my keyboard and my mouse mouvement and redo it ?


    Thank for reading my

    I hope my english is not so bad

    I hope i will be president of the Planet

    I hope too many thing

    I writte to many useless setence ... ¦| .


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