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Posts posted by SlickWylde

  1. Edit: I guess this is more of troubleshooting, I was trying to phrase it as a question, because I assume I just put myself in a "mode" of some kind and can get out of it.


    Hi there, I've seen other posts about zooming issues, but nothing about this specifically. Not sure if this is part of the latest update, or some mode that I've got myself into.


    (Using paint.net 4.0.10)


    When I'm using the text function, if I press CTRL (to begin to input a command like CTRL+C for instance) the view immediately moves to the location that I have a text marker at. The 2nd issue is when I'm typing, if the screen become off centered from the text, the screen will pan and move to center it. I tested this in another instance of paint.net on my other computer, and didn't seem to have this problem. It's making it difficult to type and make smaller images, because it moves around when I don't really want it to.


    Any ideas?

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