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Posts posted by WittleDud

  1. I have Windows 8.1 Pro 64bit and I'm trying to install Paint.net and I keep getting error 1603. I've searched for fixes for this problem, but nothing works.


    It seems like I have the proper .Net framework installed... I tried installing .Net 4.6.1 separately and I get the message 'this or a newer version is already installed'.


    I also tried to create the msi installs separately using the /createMsi option, but I still get the 1603 when running the install from the created msi file.


    Since I tried to install paint.net multiple times, I tried deleting the paint.net registry entries between install attempts, but that didn't help.



    So at this point, I don't know what to try next.  Anyone have any ideas?


    Thanks in advance!

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