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Posts posted by Kies

  1. Hi there! I'm a little new to the more advanced portion of editing software, but I've used Paint.net for random things for a few years and I know the most basic tools. I made this account specifically for this question.
    To the point- I play a lot of online games, social media, stuff like that. I've always liked flags. When I was little I came up with a design similar to the UK's Union Flag (or the Union Jack), but instead of a blue field (background), white saltire (X), and red cross (+), mine had a dark red/crimson field, a gray saltire, and a black cross. 
    I few years ago when I set up my steam profile, I found a cool HD square version of the Union Flag: (hopefully insert image here) ...and I want to make it with my colors. 


    The issue is, the best two-years-younger me could do was a flat 64x64 pixel image with literally 3 colors. When I say 3 colors, I mean THREE COLORS. No shading, no variant within the color, nothing but solid red, gray, and black. 


    My main questions are:

    How can I edit the original Union Flag to have my colors, but still have the time-worn look and the used effect?

    If I can't do that, how can I make up a new image with my colors, but not have it be 3 solid colors? PS- I would prefer not to do this pixel by pixel. I'm shooting for a 184x184 image, it would take a while to do it without shortcuts. 


    PSS- How do I add images to the thread without putting it in the attachments? The original I mentioned is in the attachments by the way. I can't seem to find a way to make sure it's there, so my profile is the original Union Flag I mentioned. Sorry for noobiness, I made this account 40 minutes ago. 

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